Explorers Exploring

The audience clapped as my colleague finished his talk. I took a few deep breaths and waited to be called. “Chloe Nunn is a sustainability scientist and will talk to us about community resilience in Greenland….Welcome Chloe” Claire McNulty, director of National Geographic Europe introduced me as I took the stage. Somehow my 3 minutes […]

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Life at Sea

It was very calm. The humidity draped around me like a blanket, and I looked off the stern into the darkness. It was like a black velvet curtain. Nothing was there. And then a glimmer, a passing ship, a twinkling star. A few minutes passed, all was well with the equipment ticking away off the

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Sustainable Strategies

“We need to show customers that we aren’t a faceless corporation, we are actually a collection of individuals” said a colleague at a recent meeting. This happened to be in relation to how we can provide ‘value added’ services, but I think it’s an incredibly important sentiment for everyone to remember, especially when it comes

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Diving Deep: The life of a cold-water coral scientist.

Did you know that there are deep-sea coral reefs in Irish waters? Not many people know that there are corals hundreds to thousands of metres underwater. These corals form huge reefs and gardens and support a diverse range of commercial fish species. Unlike tropical coral reefs, they do not have the symbiotic zooxanthellae to feed,

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mentor (n): an experienced and trusted advisor   mentor (v): advise or train                 Being mentored was never something I shied away from, whether I knew who was mentoring me or not. From a young age, and at a significant distance, the likes of Sir David Attenborough even mentored me – shaping my view of

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A Busy Holiday

On Sunday I will be travelling to Munich, Germany, to join a group of National Geographic Explorers for a science communication workshop! One of the benefits to being part of this international community has been the motivation to continue learning and improving. I have been able to complete five of their online courses introducing me

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Work, Work, Work

                What does an environmental compliance advisor do, I hear you say? Well, let me explain. My job title is very broad and could refer to a whole host of activities. The one thing it does make clear is that my work has to do with legislation governing environmental related policies.                 In my case,

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